Our Ministries at FFIBC

Nothing serves as so precious a reminder of God’s blessing to us as the birth of a child. With all the attention given to the physical facilities of the nursery and preschool, let us never forget the vital importance of the Christian Family.

The purpose of the local church youth ministry is to help equip families with the necessary tools from God’s Word to lay the right foundation for the rest of life. The essential for the youth minister is to walk with God and work with parents.

Children are a gift from God. They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God. Giving a child to God involves first he surrender of the parents’ will to the will of God.

You may retire from work, but you never retire from the work of the Lord. Our ministry gives senior adults a place to continue to grow in their faith and to show the wisdom they have achieved through experience.
FFIBC Youth Group
FFIBC Youth Group is dedicated to seeing teens come to know Jesus, and then grow in Him. Our youth group meets every Wednesday night from 7-8pm and includes diving into the Bible, games, and snacks! Our Youth Group is led by our Youth Pastor Mark Nichols and his wife, Melissa.

Master Club
Master Club is for all kids from ages 3-6th grade. We hope this Ministry makes a difference and helps build kids closer to the Lord.
I.F. Individual Freedom
Meets Every Friday from 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
"IF stands for Individual Freedom.
This program was founded for one purpose, and that one purpose is to see addicts become 'Individually Free.' We are praising our Lord for just one more life that has been cleaned from the filth of addictions.
If you are sick of being sick and nothing seems to help, if you want help, if you are ready to work at it, and if you will dedicate yourself to our program, you can be clean and go forth a new creature. If you are ready, we are ready for you.
Jesus can set you free. He can give you a clean body. He can give you a new direction, and an eternal purpose. Therefore, you can gain victory through I.F."
Your friend,
Pastor Dennis Hankins, I.F. Director

About us
We're a local Church who has been called by Christ to share His love, teach His Word, and reach out to both our community and the world with the Gospel Message! We hope you'll join us soon!
Contact Us Today
Please feel free to give us a call or send us an email at any time! We'd be happy to hear from you!